Sobre el curso
The transition from David’s rule to Solomon’s rule is a study in movement from grace to glory—from God’s favor bestowed upon us to God’s majesty dwelling in our midst. As Solomon builds God a house, we also come to a personal assurance that the King of Glory really wants to dwell in our hearts. That is where He is at home. That is where He wants to manifest His glory. And we come to realize that we can truly build something for God. The theme of 1 Kings centers on the fact that the welfare of Israel and Judah depends upon the faithfulness of the people and their king to the covenant of God. 1 Kings begins to trace the monarchy from the point of its greatest prosperity under Solomon and shows us that observance of God’s word produces blessing, but apostasy is rewarded by judgment. This book directly confronts our flesh and asks us which king we will really follow—God or ourselves? When we allow God to rule and reign in our hearts and we get off the throne that is rightfully His, He will take residence there and transform us from the inside out. Get ready to move over and let God be God